

Rat History

Source: Author:moxingzhongxin Online date: 2019-08-22 1445 Times read
The domestic Brown rat is most often called a "Fancy Rat". The Rats raised for pets today descend from the "Brown Rat", Rattus norvegicus , that only colonized Europe in the 16th Century. Being that the Brown Rats are larger and bolder they have pretty much taken over the position held for centuries by their cousins the Black Rats.
         The domestic Brown rat is most often called a "Fancy Rat".  The Rats raised for pets today descend from the "Brown Rat", Rattus norvegicus , that only colonized Europe in the 16th Century.  Being that the Brown Rats are larger and bolder they have pretty much taken over the position held for centuries by their cousins the Black Rats.  The latter are the "Black Rat" of legend that carried the fleas that in turn carried the Black Plague all over Europe, these were not the Brown Rats kept as pets today.   There are a very few fanciers now trying to domesticate the more timid Black Rat, rattus rattus  but they are not readily available to adopt any where in any number.  The Brown Rat was  used first for blood sport and latter in laboratories for experiments so they have been bred down thousands of generations to be docile and friendly towards humans.   
         Rat baiting involved placing a terrier dog in a pit with 100 or so rats. A keeper measured the time until the last rat was killed, and men would place bets on how long it took the terrier dog to kill all the rats. Hundreds of rats were captured prior to these contests.  Latter they were bred to insure a steady supply. The albinos were often removed and kept for show purposes and breeding. Rat baiting was finally ended by decree, but this sport flourished for nearly 70 years. This long history of domestication may be why rats make far better pets than Hedgehogs, Gerbils, Hamsters, or Chinchillas.  Only the Guinea Pig is as tame and sweet as the domestic rat and perhaps for the same reason.  They too were domesticated very early by the Ancient Incas .  Few pets bite less than rats and are more loving than a well handled Fancy Rat.  Human handling makes them even kinder as companions.  They are a very good choice for children. The fact that rats are a social animal and live in groups also makes them ideal as pets.  They are quick to except you as family!
          The pinto-like pattern seen so often in domestic rats of mainly two coat colors in a piebald pattern is called "hooded".  Both our adult rats are hooded rats.  Fancy Rats come in many colors; solid or self colored, agouti, and hooded.  Hooded rats have been used for many decades in labs as have white rats.  Captive rats bred for research have become almost dog like in their attitude towards humans. It is our hope that the day comes when the lives of even small creatures like rats are held with enough regard they need not be used in testing and cruelly killed for fruitless reasons.  The normal body length for an adult Fancy Rat is between nine and 11 inches, with an average body weight, which can range from 450-650 grams for males and 350-450 grams for females. The tail is smooth and its length is seven to nine inches in both males and females. The coat has up to 32 recognized color ranges, which include: amber, cinnamon, lilac, blue, champagne, siamese, mink and a multitude of others, all of which come in one of 10 recognized patterns. The three recognized coat types are: standard, which is straight; the rex, which is curly; and the satin, which is shiny. Some recognized breeds are those without tails, hairless, odd-eyed (one pink and one brown eye) and dumbo (a breed with large, round ears).
           Though in Western culture the rat is reviled by many as a nasty disease carrier, this animal is viewed much differently in the East. Chinese mythology states that the rat brought the gift of rice to humankind. The rat is one of the creatures in the Chinese Zodiac.  He is revered for his quick wits and his ability to accrue and hold on to items of value; rats are considered a symbol of good luck and wealth in both China and Japan. Clever and quick-witted, the Rat of the Chinese Zodiac is utterly disarming to boot. Possessed of excellent taste, this Sign flaunts its style at every turn. Its natural charm and sharp, funny demeanor make it an appealing friend for almost anyone. The Rat likes to know who is on its side and will treat its most loyal friends with an extra measure of protection and generosity like the western Zodiac, the Chinese Zodiac is also split into 12 animals, the first of which is the rat.